It is very easy to convince yourself that you need special kitchen tools, especially after seeing them used at a friend’s or relative’s house. After a few uses, many shiny new kitchen toys become storage headaches, show up at garage sales, are given to your children, or are thrown out. Save money by leaving the shiny objects to squirrels. Here are a few you should leave on the store shelf.
Deep Fryers
Big, messy, counter space hog describes deep fryers. Even the smallest units take up a square foot of counter space plus access space. Cleaning is difficult, time-consuming, and needs to be done after each use.
Approximate price range: $30.00 – $1300.00 depending on type, brand, and size. Plus the cost of oil.
Electric Can Openers
Most electric can openers don’t live up to the hype. Some are difficult to engage. Most drop heavy cans. Some drop standard cans. They take up counter space.
Approximate price range: $20.00 to over $50.00. (Manual can opener: less than $2.00.)
Touchless Faucets
Touchless faucets are convenient as long as they work and everyone in the house including your guests knows how to use them. They complicate perfectly good equipment that does not need much improvement.
Approximate price range: $300.00 – $700.00 plus installation (about $150.00 per bathroom and $250.00 for kitchens).
Ice Maker
Unless you entertain a lot, countertop ice makers are an expensive frill. Refrigerators make ice–either in trays or with a built-in ice maker. Countertop units use up at least one square foot of counter space, weigh over 30 pounds when empty, and do not keep ice frozen.
Approximate price range: As low as $50.00 but expect to pay close to $200.00 for a good one.
Апрацоўчыя дошкі высокага класа
Some cutting boards cost up to $200.00. Inexpensive plastic boards cost as little as $5.00. Both get scarred, cut up and need to be replaced. You can buy a new plastic one every year for 40 years for the cost of a high-end board.
Вытворца марожанага
An ice cream maker takes up about one square foot of countertop space plus room to access the machine. Producing consistent products can be difficult and the cost of ingredients can be pricey. It may be more efficient to buy the ice cream you like.
Approximate price range: Ice cream maker prices range from about $50.00 to over $1000.00. Expect to pay around $250.00 for a good one.
Электрычная мясарэзка
Рэзаць каўбасу або халодную смажаную ялавічыну ідэальнымі лустачкамі можа быць прывабна, але смак у іх аднолькавы незалежна ад таго, як іх нарэзаць. Мясарэзкі могуць быць небяспечнымі і патрабуюць добрай ачысткі і дэзінфекцыі пасля кожнага выкарыстання. Прыстойная мясарэзка каштуе ад 100,00 да 400,00 долараў. Ён займае каля двух квадратных футаў прылаўка плюс памяшканне для яго працы. Калі вы забаўляеце час ад часу, купля мясной талеркі можа быць лепшым варыянтам.
Эспрэса-машына высокага класа
Espresso machines take up about one and a half square feet of counter space and weigh over 20 pounds empty. You usually do not store it after each use but leave it on the counter. You also need space to access it. Some people have problems making consistent-tasting coffee.
Прыблізны дыяпазон коштаў: якасная эспрэса-машына каштуе ад 500,00 да 800,00 долараў.
Стальніца даўжынёй восем футаў мае 16 квадратных футаў прасторы. Калі ў вас ёсць усе восем гэтых машын, вам патрэбна палова гэтай плошчы толькі для захоўвання. Іх трэба раскласці, каб выкарыстоўваць, так што вы можаце заняць усю прастору. І яны вам сапраўды не патрэбныя.
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