It is very easy to convince yourself that you need special kitchen tools, especially after seeing them used at a friend’s or relative’s house. After a few uses, many shiny new kitchen toys become storage headaches, show up at garage sales, are given to your children, or are thrown out. Save money by leaving the shiny objects to squirrels. Here are a few you should leave on the store shelf.
Deep Fryers
Big, messy, counter space hog describes deep fryers. Even the smallest units take up a square foot of counter space plus access space. Cleaning is difficult, time-consuming, and needs to be done after each use.
Approximate price range: $30.00 – $1300.00 depending on type, brand, and size. Plus the cost of oil.
Electric Can Openers
Većina električnih otvarača za konzerve ne odgovara popularnosti. Neke je teško uključiti. Većina ispušta teške konzerve. Neki ispadaju standardne limenke. Zauzimaju prostor na šalteru.
Approximate price range: $20.00 to over $50.00. (Manual can opener: less than $2.00.)
Touchless Faucets
Touchless faucets are convenient as long as they work and everyone in the house including your guests knows how to use them. They complicate perfectly good equipment that does not need much improvement.
Approximate price range: $300.00 – $700.00 plus installation (about $150.00 per bathroom and $250.00 for kitchens).
Ice Maker
Unless you entertain a lot, countertop ice makers are an expensive frill. Refrigerators make ice–either in trays or with a built-in ice maker. Countertop units use up at least one square foot of counter space, weigh over 30 pounds when empty, and do not keep ice frozen.
Approximate price range: As low as $50.00 but expect to pay close to $200.00 for a good one.
High-End Cutting Boards
Some cutting boards cost up to $200.00. Inexpensive plastic boards cost as little as $5.00. Both get scarred, cut up and need to be replaced. You can buy a new plastic one every year for 40 years for the cost of a high-end board.
Ice Cream Maker
An ice cream maker takes up about one square foot of countertop space plus room to access the machine. Producing consistent products can be difficult and the cost of ingredients can be pricey. It may be more efficient to buy the ice cream you like.
Approximate price range: Ice cream maker prices range from about $50.00 to over $1000.00. Expect to pay around $250.00 for a good one.
Electric Meat Slicer
Cutting sausage or cold roast beef into perfect slices can be appealing but they taste the same regardless of how they are cut. Meat slicers can be dangerous and require a good cleaning and disinfecting after each use. A decent meat slicer costs between $100.00 and $400.00. It takes up about two square feet of counter space plus the room to operate it. If you only entertain occasionally, buying a meat platter may be a better option.
Vrhunska espresso mašina
Espresso aparati zauzimaju oko jedan i po kvadratni metar radnog prostora i imaju preko 20 funti prazne. Obično ga ne odlažete nakon svake upotrebe već ga ostavljate na pultu. Također vam je potreban prostor za pristup. Neki ljudi imaju problema sa pravljenjem kafe konstantnog ukusa.
Približan raspon cijena: Kvalitetan aparat za espresso košta između 500,00 i 800,00 dolara.
Radna ploča duga osam stopa ima 16 kvadratnih metara prostora. Ako posjedujete svih osam ovih mašina, potrebna vam je polovina te površine samo za skladištenje. Moraju se raširiti za korištenje, tako da možete zauzeti cijeli prostor. I zaista vam nije potreban nijedan od njih.
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